Sunday Premier Crossword March 9, 2025 Answers are listed below. In this page, you can check all the available clues found on this Sunday’s puzzle and if you are stuck with a specific clue and cannot solve it – just look at the corresponding answer on the right of the crossword clue. We are aware that the Sunday Premier Crossword is difficult to crack, that’s why we try to include every solution possible.
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Across Clues
- 1 Brilliant successECLAT
- 6 City holy to MuslimsMEDINA
- 12 Copier clogsJAMS
- 16 GloomySAD
- 19 Bake, as a shelled eggSHIRR
- 20 Baseball’s Sandy or Sandy Jr.ALOMAR
- 21 Apple chat serviceIMESSAGE
- 23 Poplar varietyQUAKINGASPEN
- 25 Sport in which skiers shootBIATHLON
- 26 Catering dispenserURN
- 27 — de terre (French for “potato”)POMME
- 28 Put up, as a tentERECT
- 30 Prefix with directionalOMNI
- 31 Hyundai compact carELANTRA
- 33 Flag carrier of AustraliaQANTASAIRWAYS
- 37 Archer’s needAIM
- 38 Shaped like a crescentLUNATE
- 39 Pupil’s placeEYE
- 40 Taking effect fastQUICKACTING
- 44 Terrier breedAIREDALE
- 49 “This looks very bad”UHOH
- 50 Blvds., e.g.RDS
- 51 “I Do” singer LisaLOEB
- 53 Telephone dial abbr.OPER
- 54 Needing a fuel fill-upOUTOFGAS
- 57 Fifteen past the hourQUARTERAFTER
- 61 Ditty syllableTRA
- 62 Just dandyAOK
- 63 Many a basker’s goalSUNTAN
- 64 TV title alienALF
- 65 PossessesHAS
- 66 Wife of King William IVQUEENADELAIDE
- 69 Big name in early PCsIBM
- 72 Prefix with week or westMID
- 73 FoesRIVALS
- 74 Emulate AliBOX
- 75 Soft and — (deodorant)DRI
- 76 Group of schools with a branch in DohaQATARACADEMY
- 80 Charitable giftDONATION
- 82 Extorted moola fromBLED
- 83 ConsumerUSER
- 84 “Yoo- –!”HOO
- 85 Some BandBsINNS
- 86 Person who is chosenSELECTEE
- 89 1990s Disney Channel series featuring Donald DuckQUACKATTACK
- 93 HubbubADO
- 94 Launch countdown termTMINUS
- 96 Baby’s cryWAH
- 97 Super-hard skating leapQUADRUPLEAXEL
- 102 “Wonder” co-star JuliaROBERTS
- 106 Stellar bearURSA
- 107 Not cloudyCLEAR
- 108 Actress Slezak or EleniakERIKA
- 110 Sleuth’s cryAHA
- 111 “Yes, understood”IGOTTHAT
- 113 What solvers of this puzzle are taking part in?QANDASESSION
- 117 House divided into separate residencesTENEMENT
- 118 Ballpark officialUMPIRE
- 119 Perfume with smokeCENSE
- 120 Lyric poemODE
- 121 March day to “beware”IDES
- 122 BreadwinnerEARNER
- 123 Sports league bigwigOWNER
Vertical Clues
- 1 Suffix with Arab or RomanESQUE
- 2 Boorish sortCHURL
- 3 Tropical vineLIANA
- 4 Genesis boatARK
- 5 AAA’s travel-planning guideTRIPTIK
- 6 Molten rockMAGMA
- 7 Jack of old Western filmsELAM
- 8 Mexican beer brand whose name means “two X’s”DOSEQUIS
- 9 Devilish kidIMP
- 10 Scot’s refusalNAE
- 11 Will of “30 Rock”ARNETT
- 12 Agrees (with)JIBES
- 13 Girlfriend, in ItalyAMICA
- 14 More beefyMEATIER
- 15 Old booming jet, in briefSST
- 16 “Frida” star HayekSALMA
- 17 Great painAGONY
- 18 “Rescue Me” star LearyDENIS
- 22 FlauntedSHOWEDOFF
- 24 With 29-Down, 1979 title role for Sally FieldNORMA
- 29 See 24-DownRAE
- 32 Chip topped with cheeseNACHO
- 34 Advice giver LandersANN
- 35 Pester a lotNAG
- 36 Dark breadRYE
- 38 Some classic FordsLTDS
- 40 “– the raven, ’Nevermore’ “QUOTH
- 41 “Star Trek” lieutenantUHURA
- 42 Itty-bitty bitsIOTAS
- 43 Short-billed marsh birdCRAKE
- 44 Big name in life insuranceAETNA
- 45 “May — excused?”IBE
- 46 LiableAPT
- 47 Jamie — CurtisLEE
- 48 Do it wrongERR
- 51 RecentlyLATELY
- 52 Spoken testsORALS
- 55 Muslim ascetic: Var.FAQIR
- 56 Dutch cheeseGOUDA
- 57 Vocal shakeQUAVER
- 58 Stop blocking, as a streamUNDAM
- 59 Element #86RADON
- 60 Siri’s Amazon counterpartALEXA
- 63 Slyly derisiveSNIDE
- 67 Record overERASE
- 68 Bygone Apple laptopIBOOK
- 69 Tony winner MenzelIDINA
- 70 Bucking rideBRONC
- 71 Belarus’ capitalMINSK
- 72 Arranged to meet upMADEADATE
- 76 Sackable NFLersQBS
- 77 Brewed beverageALE
- 78 — AvivTEL
- 79 Billiards stickCUE
- 80 Hospital VIPsDOCS
- 81 Give 10% to the churchTITHE
- 84 Dragged to the jailhouseHAULEDIN
- 87 Spock’s rank: Abbr.CDR
- 88 AbuttedTOUCHED
- 89 Popular 1980s arcade gameQIX
- 90 “A,” in FranceUNE
- 91 Stopped snoozingAWOKE
- 92 Hot sauce brandTABASCO
- 94 Brewed beverageTEA
- 95 Car make, as opposed to a modelMARQUE
- 97 Ecuador’s capitalQUITO
- 98 Egged onURGED
- 99 All togetherASONE
- 100 Pilot’s vehiclePLANE
- 101 “Superior Donuts” playwright TracyLETTS
- 102 Choir standRISER
- 103 Actor Wilson of “The Office”RAINN
- 104 “All — in favor …”THOSE
- 105 More rationalSANER
- 109 InfrequentRARE
- 112 Texter’s “Ew, no more!”TMI
- 114 G.P.s’ gp.AMA
- 115 “Consider This” networkNPR
- 116 Use stitchesSEW