Sunday Premier Crossword August 4, 2024 Answers are listed below. In this page, you can check all the available clues found on this Sunday’s puzzle and if you are stuck with a specific clue and cannot solve it – just look at the corresponding answer on the right of the crossword clue. We are aware that the Sunday Premier Crossword is difficult to crack, that’s why we try to include every solution possible.
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Across Clues
- 1 Clipboard’s larger relativeLAPDESK
- 8 Nintendo game systemWII
- 11 Styled afterALA
- 14 Funny FoxxJAMIE
- 19 Law of motion topicINERTIA
- 20 Behind barsENCAGED
- 22 Fabric designPRINT
- 23 Execute the opening pool shot perfectly?MAKEACLEANBREAK
- 25 Iowa senator JoniERNST
- 26 Mid-voyageASEA
- 27 InquireASK
- 28 Unable to find your pool stick?MISSINGACUE
- 30 Actor CaineMICHAEL
- 34 1950s-’60s Egyptian presidentNASSER
- 35 Puts spin on a pool ball with no further tricks?USESPLAINENGLISH
- 42 Animal throatMAW
- 44 Chicken —POX
- 45 River of BernAAR
- 46 “Cops” soundSIREN
- 47 Office scribeSTENO
- 49 Road furrowRUT
- 50 Basie’s musicSWING
- 53 Pool triangle packed in a suitcase?LUGGAGERACK
- 56 Ultimatum endORELSE
- 58 AssistAID
- 60 Anticipates a treat, maybeSALIVATES
- 61 Stridex targetACNE
- 62 Some schlumpy physiquesDADBODS
- 66 Bits of land in the ocean, in FrenchILES
- 67 Label anewRETAG
- 69 Toddler who’s a whiz at pool?BABYSHARK
- 72 Really heavy herbivoreRHINO
- 76 LacklusterDRAB
- 78 Street in Manhattan’s Alphabet CityAVENUEB
- 80 Scandinavian thunder godTHOR
- 81 Having a trio of componentsTHREEPART
- 86 Alex and — (jewelry brand)ANI
- 87 “Quickly” or “slowly,” e.g.ADVERB
- 89 Perimeter of a pool table that people have plopped down on?SEATCUSHION
- 92 Habituate (to)INURE
- 94 Org. for cavity fillersADA
- 95 In spite of the fact that, in briefALTHO
- 96 Itty-bittyEENSY
- 98 Scot’s refusalNAE
- 99 Ocasek of the CarsRIC
- 100 Put a tear inRIP
- 101 Resume play after accidentally sinking the white pool ball?STARTFROMSCRATCH
- 106 “Othello” victimCASSIO
- 109 Pool variety with 22 ballsSNOOKER
- 110 Observe a hole in a pool table?WATCHPOCKET
- 115 La mer fillerEAU
- 116 Love godAMOR
- 120 Jetson boyELROY
- 121 Last shot of a pool game?FINISHINGSTROKE
- 125 Be at a slantSLOPE
- 126 Mass in the throatADENOID
- 127 Admiral NelsonHORATIO
- 128 Liv of “Super”TYLER
- 129 Riddle-me- —REE
- 130 Facial localeSPA
- 131 Frightful fliesTSETSES
Vertical Clues
- 1 Peru’s largest cityLIMA
- 2 Santa — (some winds)ANAS
- 3 Certain small poochPEKE
- 4 ReveriesDREAMS
- 5 Zeta followerETA
- 6 [not my typo]SIC
- 7 Desert region in AfricaKALAHARI
- 8 DevitalizeWEAKEN
- 9 Vacation stopINN
- 10 Long-range nuke carrierICBM
- 11 Gets matureAGES
- 12 GrasslandsLEAS
- 13 Last name of singer AdeleADKINS
- 14 Many PC picsJPEGS
- 15 Alcove-hiding tapestryARRAS
- 16 Mixture baked in piesMINCEMEAT
- 17 Aetna offeringINSURANCE
- 18 Kin of -essETTE
- 21 Grande of pop, for shortARI
- 24 “Ozark” actor MoralesESAI
- 29 “Uh-uh”NAH
- 31 “No bid”IPASS
- 32 Attacked as a cat mightCLAWED
- 33 The, to JulesLES
- 35 HooplaUPROAR
- 36 Info providerSOURCE
- 37 BreadthEXTENT
- 38 Not a oneNIL
- 39 “Despicable Me” antiheroGRU
- 40 Thigh localesLEGS
- 41 Actress SwensonINGA
- 43 Pad thai pansWOKS
- 47 Cut, as tiesSEVER
- 48 Reality shows, to some peopleTRASHTV
- 51 Not a oneNADA
- 52 Singer BarryGIBB
- 54 SimilarALIKE
- 55 Baseballer HodgesGIL
- 57 Guides, biblical-styleLEADETH
- 59 “A little dab’ll —”DOYA
- 63 Mahmoud of PalestineABBAS
- 64 “seaQuest —” (sci-fi series)DSV
- 65 Old Big Apple stadiumSHEA
- 68 — -RomanGRECO
- 70 Decade divisions, in RomeANNI
- 71 Lay waste toRUIN
- 73 “— Huckabees” (2004 film)IHEART
- 74 Swedish, sayNORDIC
- 75 Jerry of stage and screenORBACH
- 77 “The Simpsons” character once voiced by Hank AzariaAPU
- 79 Ex-president ObamaBARACK
- 81 Old autocratTSAR
- 82 In a spiral-shaped wayHELICALLY
- 83 1960s World War II series, with “The”RATPATROL
- 84 Ostrich kinRHEA
- 85 Arena levelTIER
- 88 John of plowsDEERE
- 90 Ottawa loc.ONT
- 91 Abbr. on a bad checkNSF
- 93 Not looked forUNSOUGHT
- 97 Cen. divisionsYRS
- 101 Tiny drinkSIP
- 102 Over the lineTOOFAR
- 103 Central New York lakeONEIDA
- 104 ComplainMOAN
- 105 Turkey’s tallest peakARARAT
- 107 BreadthSCOPE
- 108 More bashfulSHYER
- 110 Ohio-to-Utah directionWEST
- 111 Suffix with fungiCIDE
- 112 Large jointKNEE
- 113 Berlin articleEIN
- 114 General — chickenTSOS
- 117 Witty sayingsMOTS
- 118 Steinbeck migrantOKIE
- 119 Old Olds carsREOS
- 122 Large jointHIP
- 123 Call for helpSOS
- 124 Uno tripledTRE