Sunday Premier Crossword February 23, 2025 Answers are listed below. In this page, you can check all the available clues found on this Sunday’s puzzle and if you are stuck with a specific clue and cannot solve it – just look at the corresponding answer on the right of the crossword clue. We are aware that the Sunday Premier Crossword is difficult to crack, that’s why we try to include every solution possible.
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Across Clues
- 1 Words before God or CongressACTOF
- 6 Lively Spanish dance for twoFANDANGO
- 14 Greek letters after psisOMEGAS
- 20 Actress TéaLEONI
- 21 Toxin counteracterANTIDOTE
- 22 TV Tarzan portrayerRONELY
- 23 Donations toward having a dilapidated entryway repaired?ALMSFORTHEDOOR
- 25 Flat-topped hillsBUTTES
- 26 Impacted by frozen rainSLEETY
- 27 RAM unitGIG
- 28 Extends, as a leaseRENEWS
- 29 A garment strongly linked to a particular woman?THEASSOCIATEDDRESS
- 36 Govt. health agencyCDC
- 39 Actress Catherine — -JonesZETA
- 40 Plains shelterTEPEE
- 41 Little errorSLIP
- 42 “Energy healing” treatmentREIKI
- 45 Skating placeRINK
- 47 Award show hostEMCEE
- 50 Put in placeLAY
- 51 Court costs not related to upcoming cases?OUTOFDOCKETEXPENSES
- 56 Key of Beethoven’s 5-DownCMINOR
- 57 Valuable rockGEM
- 58 Plan B routeDETOUR
- 61 TwinklesGLEAMS
- 65 Bat- — foxEARED
- 69 Pine droppingCONE
- 70 “– So Shy”HES
- 73 Throwing away one’s camp shelter?DITCHINGATENT
- 77 Silent assentNOD
- 78 Purplish berryACAI
- 80 Mazda modelMIATA
- 81 Waikiki localeHAWAII
- 83 French art museumLOUVRE
- 86 USMC rankSGT
- 88 Term in officeTENURE
- 92 Scientific periodical assessed by antlered animals?DEERREVIEWEDJOURNAL
- 99 Some special film FXCGI
- 101 “Rhoda” actress AnneMEARA
- 102 Miracle Mets’ TommieAGEE
- 103 Counterparts of manisPEDIS
- 104 Bikini topsBRAS
- 106 Prickly plantsCACTI
- 109 Golf raritiesACES
- 111 Lofty verseODE
- 112 “Sex and the City” actress after a long tanning session?SARAHJESSICADARKER
- 118 Angelic ringsHALOES
- 119 Help outAID
- 120 Earthy huesOCHERS
- 124 Coup groupsCABALS
- 125 “May Hubby leave a greater inheritance than expected!”MOREDOWERTOYOU
- 130 In a crowd ofAMIDST
- 131 Correction smudgesERASURES
- 132 OutdoONEUP
- 133 Savage typesBEASTS
- 134 Course of study for the SAT, e.g.TESTPREP
- 135 BreathersRESTS
Vertical Clues
- 1 “Oh, woe!”ALAS
- 2 Brit’s “mobile”CELL
- 3 Weighty bookTOME
- 4 StartONSET
- 5 20% fractionFIFTH
- 6 DistantFAR
- 7 Colony insectANT
- 8 Final degreeNTH
- 9 San — ZooDIEGO
- 10 Die-hard fanADDICT
- 11 Playful knuckle rubNOOGIE
- 12 Old PontiacGTO
- 13 Above, to a bardOER
- 14 SphericalORBED
- 15 Little hillMOUND
- 16 Steps intoENTERS
- 17 Wish to a sick personGETWELLSOON
- 18 “Here” singer CaraALESSIA
- 19 The “S” of GPS: Abbr.SYS
- 24 Court officer’s cryOYEZ
- 28 Gabrielle of volleyballREECE
- 30 Sleek, in briefAERO
- 31 Clic — (Bic brand)STIC
- 32 SubmergedSANK
- 33 PinnacleAPEX
- 34 Fill-in workerTEMP
- 35 Bug planterSPY
- 36 Gator cousinCROC
- 37 God, in LatinDEUM
- 38 — Field (Mets’ home)CITI
- 43 “King” apeKONG
- 44 “Count me out,” in pokerIFOLD
- 46 Brew barrelKEG
- 48 TerminusEND
- 49 Iowa-to-Virginia dir.ESE
- 52 Three, in GermanDREI
- 53 Like adolescentsTEENAGE
- 54 ’Zine onlineEMAG
- 55 List-curtailing abbr.ETC
- 59 Numero —UNO
- 60 Blushing hueRED
- 62 $ dispenserATM
- 63 Former rival of ATandTMCI
- 64 “– La La” (1964 hit)SHA
- 66 Cheering yellRAH
- 67 LGA guessETA
- 68 Dawn dropsDEW
- 70 Actor SparksHAL
- 71 Prefix with consciousECO
- 72 Riyadh’s landSAUDIARABIA
- 74 “Who’s there?” replyITSI
- 75 Mil. allianceNATO
- 76 Highway jamTIEUP
- 79 “So — been told”IVE
- 82 ConcerningINRE
- 84 Sleep stageREM
- 85 Before, to a bardERE
- 87 Bygone flight inits.TWA
- 89 ReverseUNDO
- 90 FBI attackRAID
- 91 Besides thatELSE
- 93 Runs fastRACES
- 94 Bits of historyERAS
- 95 Carpet cleaners, for shortVACS
- 96 “Horrors!”EGAD
- 97 Ten: PrefixDECA
- 98 Gibe rudelyJEER
- 99 “CSI: Vegas” networkCBS
- 100 “The Wind in the Willows” author KennethGRAHAME
- 105 Dishes of mixed greensSALADS
- 107 Fancy crownsTIARAS
- 108 Most frigidICIEST
- 110 Toffee bar from HersheySKOR
- 113 “The Planets” composer GustavHOLST
- 114 JokesJESTS
- 115 Make senseADDUP
- 116 Texas county whose seat is OdessaECTOR
- 117 French riverRHONE
- 121 Seeing thingsEYES
- 122 Easy winROUT
- 123 Eats dinnerSUPS
- 124 TaxiCAB
- 125 EncounteredMET
- 126 Valuable rockORE
- 127 Bruins’ BobbyORR
- 128 TinyWEE
- 129 Paranormal gift, in briefESP